Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Bent Sword in print

The Bent Sword was sent to the press yesterday. It will be released in the first week of July, preceded by a fabulous party, still to be announced. In the mean time, you can read the first three chapters at The Bent Sword the Musical has currently undergone two workshops with New Play Project, and plans are under way for a production in Provo, Utah in August. If you haven’t yet, now’s a great time to enter your email address at the website for a chance to win a free copy of the book.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life is Fragile, Episode 8

Play / Download MP3

As Vinny, Foster and the Goblin continue on their quest, strange things begin to occur in night.Could the vampires be behind it?


Book signing today!

I'll be signing books today at Borders in the Riverwoods mall in Provo from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. I hear there will likely be live music. I'm also going to try my hand at some ventriloquism. It will be fun. So join the Facebook event and come.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Bent Sword Proof and Illustrations

I've finished reviewing the proof of The Bent Sword, and after two long days of non-stop drawing (followed by a much needed dinner at a Greek Restaurant), I've completed the chapter illustrations as well. See them at

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Some good news

1)We've been trying to buy a house for the past 7 ish months, and while we haven't been completely successful yet, there's still hope that we can buy within the next 2 months. Actually, if it doesn't work out within the next 2 months, then we're going to have to stick with renting for a little bit. But we have a lot of hope that it will work out, which is good news.

2)On those lines, we are currently renting the house that we want to buy. It's a happy cozy house that we've fallen in love with. I have to admit that I had negative feelings towards the neighborhood at first, but as we have seen and talked to people, they are good people just trying to get by. I really hope we get this house!

3)For fall and winter semesters, I got a 3.95 GPA!!! Before that I wasn't doing so well in school, so I've had to do some attitude adjusting and study habit adjusting as well. It has paid off.

4)It's a little less than a year until I graduate!

5)I get more time with Ariah! The bad news is, I had to quit the library because of school conflicts. We'll have to make up for the extra income that is lost from that, but I know we can do that. I am so excited to be with her more, and I really can't wait until I can do mommy full time!