Sunday, May 17, 2009

We Moved!

So, we moved into a bigger place 2 weeks ago in South West Provo, thanks to Mara Ledezma. We love it here and want to invite friends to dinner, so don't be surprised if you receive an invite from us in the future.

Ariah loves having us read to her. She recently discovered how to open book pages herself, so she finds great joy in turning pages and looking at the pictures. She also likes to sink her little teeth (she's got 2 on the bottom now) into the hard pages.

Ariah hasn't shown any signs of being shy or unwilling to go into other people's arms. Infact, she usually greets everyone with a signature full-mouthed grin (unless she's hungry or tired). She has been laughing a lot lately. My mom commented that yesterday, when she was doing something to make her and my sister laugh, Ariah seemed to be aware of that and she would continue the action to get more laughs. She's an entertainer like her crazy parents.

She has never hated a bath. She loves to splash and she doesn't mind water dribbling in her eyes. We got 7 Peaks passes, so I'm excited to take her and see what she thinks.


Stephen Stacey said...

Whoah little girl, nice hair.

Allison Jester said...

I was so happy to see you at the grocery store the other day! Your little girl looks like such a joy. Keep in touch!